Mme Sri Murniningtyas

Sri Murniningtyas started her career as an officer of Ministry of Forestry in 1983. Her early years of service at the Ministry of Forestry required her to engage with roles in assisting preparation of Indonesian delegations to international events.

Her service was expanded as she has been posted as Deputy Director for Multilateral Affairs, from 2002 – 2008. During this term, she really enjoyed dealing and working with forestry-related international organization of United Nations and others. As part of her job, she also served as a member of Indonesian Delegation to several international events such as ASEAN, ITTO, UNFF, UNFCCC and various high level bilateral events.

Prior to her current assignment, she was appointed as the Forestry Attache of the Indonesian Embassy in Tokyo, Japan from 2008 – 2012. During her tenure, she played a succesfull role as a catalyst and a facilitator not only in forestry aspects but also in social and culture of the Embassy’s mission to Japan.
She is now Director of Center for International Cooperation since May 2012, supervising 50 staff. Her current role enable her to further collaborate actively with environment and forestry stakeholders nationally and internationally.


Alue Dohong was officially sworn in as the Deputy for Construction, Operation, and Maintenance in February 2016. Alue started dealing with peat restoration in 2003 and founded the Institute of Environmental Education and Training (LP3LH) in Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan. He also serves as lecturer staff at Economic Faculty Palangka Raya University (UPR) majoring on environmental management and environmental economics. He has also been heavily involved in the restoration of peatland in Central Kalimantan and other parts of Indonesia by serving as an expert that provides technical inputs in the planning, governance, and implementation. In the past fifteen years, he also served as professional consultant in several international Project and Non-Governmental Organizations such KFCP, AHT GROUP AG, Management & Engineering, Germany, Wetlands International-IP, Global Environment Centre, Malaysia, and Earth Innovation Institute, San Francisco, USA.

As an academician, Alue writes a lot about the management of peatland. His doctoral dissertation, which he defended in 2015 at the University of Queensland in Australia discussed about the efforts to restore degraded peatland in Central Kalimantan. In addition, in 2007, Alue was awarded a medal by the Wetland International President as the Best Staff for bringing together various stakeholders at the local level and encouraging their active involvement. Alue earned his of Master of Science degree in the field of Environmental Management from Nottingham, England, and a degree in economics from Palangka Raya University.

Dr. De Oliveira Thierry

Thierry has been working as a professional economist for the past 20 years and dealt with issues ranging from development macro-economics at the national level; the linkages between poverty and environment; green economy roll-out at country level; implementation of natural capital accounting and valuation in more than 8 countries to date. Thierry has also published in journals and was a lead author in the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment initiative Policy Response Group. Thierry Is currently involved in private sector engagement and green innovative business solutions while actively continuing to support countries with Natural Capital accounting and valuation of critical ecosystems and their related services;

M. Gaston Samba

Gaston Samba, est un enseignant-chercheur à l’université Marien Ngouabi de Brazzaville (Congo) formé à l’université de Bourgogne (Dijon-France). Il est Maître des Conférences CAMES de géographie physique (spécialité climatologie).

Prof. Simon Lewis

Simon Lewis is Professor of Global Change Science at the University of Leeds and University College London. Prior to this he was a Royal Society University Research Fellow for nine years. A plant ecologist by training, he focuses on changes to the Earth system with a central focus on the tropics. He founded and co-manage the African Tropical Rainforest Observatory, AfriTRON (, a network of long-term tropical forest inventory sites across 13 countries in Africa, and co-manages the long-term forest inventory data repository and data management tool With Greta Dargie, Suspense Ifo, Yannick Bocko and others he first quantified the extent of the Central Congo peatlands and made the first estimate of the peatlnds’ carbon stocks that included on the ground observations.

Dr. Ndinga Assitou

Assitou Ndinga is a biologist. He holds the position of Consultant-Technical Advisor to Wetlands International, based in Dakar, Senegal since May 2010. Ndinga has long experience working for the Academic, Government and NGO sectors as he has spent several years working for the University of Congo, Government of Congo and International NGOs in Central and West African Regions. Ndinga served as IUCN Regional Coordinator for Central Africa. During this time, he helped launch and develop the Brazzaville Process (Conférence sur les Ecosystèmes de Forêts Denses et Humides d’Afrique Centrale). Currently, much of Ndinga’s work for Wetlands International is to provide Technical & strategic advice on issues related to development and implementation of Biodiversity and Sustainable Livelihoods initiatives.

Mme Dianna Kopansky

Dianna Kopansky is the Coordinator of the Global Peatlands Initiative and UN-REDD Programme in the Freshwater, Land and Climate Branch at UN Environment, based in Nairobi, Kenya. An expert in landscapes and biodiversity, she delivers a suite of ecosystem management and climate change programmes to contribute to the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Dianna has worked in Africa for the past 17 years on a range of issues within the emergency, humanitarian, and development fields. For UN Environment, she works globally and has led teams to develop and implement project just as the 17 MDG-F Environment and Climate Change Joint Projects. While working with the Executive Office she developed UN system-wide strategies, policies to strengthen the Regional Offices, and her work enabled the inclusion of Environment as a pillar in the UN Development Assistance Frameworks. Working in the Horn of Africa and Great Lakes regions, she led the environmental portfolio for UN-FAO’s Regional Emergency Office for Africa. While with UNDP’s Drylands Development Centre, Dianna provided direct technical support to governments in over 40 countries to integrate environmental issues into national development plans and Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers and developed a new area of work on Drylands Biodiversity.

Prior to coming to Africa, Dianna worked for the Canadian Government preparing their “State of Environment” reports and was part of a team that undertook a ground-breaking study developing a Decision Support System – the Illness Cost of Air Pollution. The results of the study enabled the Ontario and Canadian Governments to dramatically improve air quality by lowering allowable pollutant levels. Dianna holds a Master of Environmental Studies Degree from York University and a Bachelor of Science Honors Degree in Conservation Biology and Ecology from Queen’s University in Canada.

M. Muhammad ZAHRUL Muttaqin

Muhammad ZAHRUL Muttaqin is a researcher at the Centre for Socio-economic, Policy and Climate Change Research and Development (P3SEKPI) within Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Republic of Indonesia. His expertise and interests are forest economics and policy.

He graduated from Bogor Agricultural University for his Bachelor in Forestry and Master of Management in Agribusiness. He also obtained Master of Forestry and PhD in Environment and Development from the Australian National University. His PhD work was related to designing payments for environmental services to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in Indonesia.

He has been involving in several research and development projects related to Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) including: (1) REDD+ Research Projects funded by Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR); (2) Forest Carbon Partnership Facility for the development of Carbon Fund-based Emissions Reduction Program in East Kalimantan; (3) Research on Climate Change Mitigation conducted by Forestry Research and Development Agency (FORDA); and (4) Research on the role of protected areas for climate change mitigation supported by IJ-REDD+. He published international and national journal articles and participated in national and international fora for seminars, workshops and negotiations.

M. Raffles Brotestes Panjaitan

     Raffles Brotestes Panjaitan is officially in as The Director of Forest and Land Fire Management since 2013 till recently. He graduated from Faculty of Forestry , Bogor Agriculture Institute in 1985. After he has working for 15 years in Jambi Regional Forest service, In 1996-1997 he got scholarship from British council to continue to study post graduate in Forest Management, Aberdeen University, Scotland. In 2000, the outonomy era, he moved to North Sumatera Provincial Forest Service. He has also been heavily involved in forest utilization, forest rehabilitation and reboisation, forest protection and nature conservation for 8 years experiences during in North Sumatera province. By the 2008, he moved to Ministry of Forestry to be the Deputy Director of Biodiversity Conservation. After 2 years working , he promoted to be the Director of Forest Protection and Investigation. After he has 3-year experiences as a Director of Forest Protection and Investigation, then since May 2013 he appointed as Director Forest and Land Fire Management until now.

     As an civil service, Raffles has good dedicated and has a lot of relation, coordination and communication among Ministerial , Agency and National Police and Military in order to support his job.

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Mme Mabika Bampoutou Flore Mireille

Titulaire d’une MAITRISE ES LETTRES en Science et Technique de la Communication option Gestion d’Entreprise à la Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines de l’Université Marien NGOUABI où j’ai auparavant obtenu un DEUG en Droit tronc Commun à la Faculté de Droit.

J’ai une expérience professionnelle de plus de 20 ans dans le domaine humanitaire que j’ai amorcée avec le Mouvement Croix-Rouge et de plus de 15 ans avec le Système des Nations Unies.

Ce qui justifie pour moi une bonne connaissance du Système des Nations Unies car ayant travaillé avec plusieurs agences comme le PAM (Chargé de programme et Chef de Bureau), OCHA (Field Information Assistant), le PNUD/Unité de Coordination, le HCR (Public and Mass Media Officer), l’UNICEF (Chef de Bureau de Zone), l’OMS (Communication Officer et Social mobilization Officer dans le cadre de la lutte contre Ebola en Guinée).

Ancienne Conseillère en Communication du Ministre de l’Economie Forestière du Développement Durable et de l’Environnement (avril-août 2017) et actuellement Chargée de la Communication à la FAO, j’ai une forte expérience dans l’organisation et la modération des cérémonies