Georges Claver BOUNDZANGA

J’ai un diplôme d’Ingénieur de Développement Rural et un diplôme d’Ingénieur aménagiste forestier.
J’assume les fonctions de Coordonnateur National REDD depuis 2008. J’ai une Bonne expérience en matière d’aménagement forestier durable. J’ai conduit et finaliser le plan d’aménagement de la concession forestière de Lopola dans la Likouala.
J’ai coordonné l’inventaire forestier national et les plans d’aménagement des concessions forestières du Nord Congo en qualité Coordonnateur Technique puis Directeur du Centre National d’Inventaire et d’Aménagement des Ressources Forestières et fauniques.
J’ai aussi une bonne expérience en matière de REDD+. Je conduit depuis 2008 le processus REDD+. Le pays a bien avancé avec la phase de préparation et nous sommes autorisé à entamer les 2 dernières phases de la REDD+ à savoir : la phase d’investissement et la phase de paiement.

Message clé : La tourbe « un atout pour un partenariat mondial gagant gagnant ».

M.R. Karliansyah

M.R. Karliansyah completed his undergraduate studies in biology at University of Indonesia in 1985, returning to earn Master in Environmental Science at the same university in 1989. He actively involve at various for an environmental issues.

M.R. Karliansyah has dedicated his working experience as professional and government employee of the Ministry of Environment since 1992. Since 2010 he had been as Deputy Minister for Environmental Pollution Control. In 2014 he was also appointed as acting Secretary Minister for Environment. Since joining the Ministry of Environment with Ministry of Forestry to become Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) in 2015, he appointed as Director General for Environmental Pollution and Degradation Control. On July 1st to November 28th, 2017, he also serves as acting Director General for Domestic Waste, Material and Hazardous Waste Management.

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Dr. Agus Justianto

Dr. Agus Justianto has dedicated his working experience as professional and government employee of the Ministry of Forestry of Indonesia since 1986. Currently, he is a Director General, Forestry and Environment Research, Development and Innovation Agency within the Ministry of Environment and Forestry since November 2017, following an appointment as Senior Advisor to the Minister for Natural Resources Economic Ministry of Environment and Forestry. Previously, he held senior positions within the Ministry of Forestry, such as, Director of Forest Products Processing and Marketing, and Director of Forestry Training Center.

Dr. Justianto completed his undergraduate studies in forestry at Bogor Agricultural University in 1986, returning to earn a PhD in Agriculture Economics in 2005. In between, he earned a Master of Natural Resources at the University of New England in Australia in 1992. He actively involved at various fora on environmental and forestry issues including International negotiations and meetings, and currently having position as a Secretary of Advisory Comittee on Climate Change in Indonesia. He was a Chairman of Indonesian National Forestry Council (2011-2016). In addition to past membership on various forestry working groups, he is currently Indonesia Focal Point for the Forest Investment Program, and Member of the Steering Committee of International Resource Panel, UN Environment as well as Chairman of two ASEAN mechanisms for Senior Officials — Forestry (ASOF) and the Environment (ASOEN).

PhD Siti Nurbaya

Siti Nurbaya obtained her PhD in Environmental Science in 1998 from a joint program between Bogor Agricultural University and Siegen University, Germany.

She began her career as a government officer at Lampung Provincial Government in 1981 and a few years later was appointed as the Deputy Head of Provincial Development Planning Office. In 1998 she was transfered to Jakarta, assigned as the Director of Planning Bureau in the Ministry of Home Affairs, and in 2001 was promoted as the Secretary General of the Ministry. For the period of 2006 to 2009, she became one of the first Indonesian’s Senators. In October 2014, H.E. President Jokowi appointed her to join the current Government Cabinet, to serve as the Minister for Environment and Forestry, newly consolidated portfolio from two previously Ministry of Forestry and Ministry of Environment, housing more than 16,000 national civil servants. The Ministry also serves as the focal point for climate change issues.

Siti Nurbaya has been active in domestic and international fora that make her frequently invited to address a wide spectrum of subjects such as: environmental and natural resources management, regional autonomy, bureaucracy, politics, democracy, parliament, political economy, women empowerment, geoscience, and geographic information systems.


Dr. Andre Toham, a native from Cameroon. He performs for his PhD degree on aquatic ecology at the Katholieke Universiteit of Leuven in Belgium in 1998. He also undertook a postdoctoral research work at Cornell University (Ithaca) in late 1998, before joining World Wildlife Fund US (WWF USA) in 1999 where he led the design, development, management and monitoring of many international forestry, land management, freshwater, biodiversity and climate change programs and projects in the Central Africa region.

He serves in several leadership positions at WWF USA: from Ecoregion Leader, to Regional Director for Conservation, to Deputy WWF Representative for the Central Africa Region. He also worked for US Forest Service, as Regional Technical Advisor for central Africa based at the intergovernmental forestry organization called Central Africa Forests Commission. He also worked for the US Department of State, as Deputy Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP) Facilitator.

He is currently a UN Environment Consultant supporting the Republic of Congo and Democratic Republic of Congo in developing and rolling out an integrated strategy for the long term management of central cuvette peatlands.

Tim Christophersen

Tim Christophersen is the Coordinator of the Freshwater, Land and Climate Branch at UN Environment, based in Nairobi. He manages a global team of freshwater, forest, land-use, climate adaptation and private finance experts in various UN Environment offices around the world. Tim is also the Chair of the Global Partnership on Forest and Landscape Restoration.

He previously worked for the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), where he led the portfolio on the conservation and sustainable use of forest biodiversity, including the Bushmeat Liaison Group, and worked closely with the team on traditional ecological knowledge and customary sustainable use. From 2002-2007 he was Regional Programme Coordinate for Europe, the Caucasus and the Commonwealth of Independent States at the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). He also worked for the Danish Ministry of the Environment at the Research Institute for Forest and Landscapes, and for the European Commission in the Nature and Biodiversity Unit. Tim is a German national and holds a degree in forest engineering and conservation from Dresden University of Technology.

Dr. Julian Fox

« 17 years of experience in forest assessment as a manager of international and national projects, researcher, teacher, and technical specialist. 7 years of experience living and working in developing countries managing international forestry projects in Papua New Guinea and Zambia.
Current position is Team Leader, National Forest Monitoring (NFM), Forestry Department, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). As Team Leader NFM, I coordinate global normative NFM work, global NFM tools (Open Foris suite, and SEPAL), and a significant portfolio of country support activities of the NFM team (active in forty-five countries).

M. Kieft Johan

Johan focuses on green economy mainstreaming in development planning in Indonesia to address drivers of deforestation as well as work on improving the ability to address peat land fires and peat land management both through facilitating stakeholder engagement as well as providing high level policy advisory services.

Before joining the UN-REDD team Johan worked as UNDP technical specialist on sustainable development and climate change in Vietnam to mainstream climate change into development planning and facilitated the development of a green growth strategy including the development and management of a national marginal abatement cost curve. Previous work experience includes advising the AusAID funded Kalimantan Forest and Carbon Project, a REDD+ pilot project and serving as CARE assistant country director for Indonesia. He managed the UNORCID Green Economy Unit which was responsible to coordinate the international technical assistance to the Government of Indonesia on Green Growth and Green Economy related matters which included mainstreaming Green Economy into the planning system, facilitating development partner coordination and providing strategic policy advise.

He has worked with senior ministerial officials on various climate change and sustainable development related issues in diverse countries such as Indonesia and Macedonia, East Timor, Myanmar. Earlier Johan worked with a range of organizations in Indonesia for over a 15 years period. His work involved both project/programme management as well as delivering of technical advisory services in sectors such as rural development, community empowerment

Dr Lera Miles

Lera Miles is based at the United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC), coordinating its work on REDD+ benefits and safeguards in support of the UN-REDD Programme. In 2017, she led a rapid analysis on carbon, biodiversity and land-use in the Central Congo Basin Peatlands, following the discoveries announced in January that year.

Prof. Hans Joosten

Hans Joosten (1955) studied biology and worked as university researcher and policy officer (Ministry of Agriculture) in the Netherlands. Since 1996 he leads the Department of Peatland Studies and Palaeoecology of Greifswald University (Germany), partner in the Greifswald Mire Centre, since 2008 as an Extraordinary Professor.

His department studies peatlands in an integrative way at the crossroads between palaeo-ecology, ecology, landscape ecology, nature conservation and wise use. Key research topic is paludiculture, on which he edited the first handbook in 2016.

Since 2000 Hans Joosten is Secretary-General of the International Mire Conservation Group (IMCG), the world organization of peatland conservationists. For IMCG he produced the books ‘Wise use of mires and peatlands’ (2002) and ‘Mires and peatlands of Europe’ (2017).

Since 2009 Hans has been intensively involved in UNFCCC negotiations and IPCC guidance development, especially with respect to accounting for emissions from organic soils, and in FAO in advancing climate-responsible peatland management. Since 2017 he is steering committee member of the Global Peatlands Initiative.
In 2010 Hans Joosten received an Honorary Doctorate of the University of Batumi for his efforts in studying and protecting the mires of Colchis (Georgia).

In 2013 he was awarded the European CULTURA Prize for Sustainable Land Use, and the Research Award Sustainability of the German Federal Government. In 2014 he was elected as foreign member of Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskabs Akademi, the oldest learned academy of Norway. In 2018 “his” International Peat Mapping Team won the $1 million Indonesian Peat Prize.