Jack Major will discuss results of a “Feasibility Study for a Possible Carbon Offset Project to Support and Catalyze Long-Term Sustainable Forest Management in the Lac Télé-Lac Tumba (LTLT) Transboundary Wetland Landscape”. This study was commissioned by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Country Office, République du Congo, in cooperation with the Ministry of Tourism and Environment (ROC), the Ministry of Forestry, Economy and Environment (ROC), and the Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Tourism (DRC), as part of the Conservation & Sustainable Management of Transboundary Wetland LTLT Project
Jack Major (MBA, Finance and International Management, University of Chicago) is an internationally recognized expert in Carbon Finance and Offset, Protected Area Management, and REDD+ Development, and an author and graduate lecturer with more than 20 years’ experience in sustainable development in Africa and Asia. Jack is Executive Director, Carbon & Climate Alternatives, LLC, which provides advisory and direct-access services to developing countries in carbon offset, climate finance, and public finance and debt management. He has extensive experience in Asia and Africa, and in supporting trade development, private sector development, and financial instruments to cover and transfer the risks of climate hazards. Jack has served as a PA Management and Financing Advisor, Carbon Offset Advisor, Municipal Finance Advisor, and Climate Risk Management Advisor for the US Treasury, OECD, DfID, USAID, ADB, and IMF in Asia and Africa.
Jack had an 18 year career in banking, private equity, and finance in Asia and Africa, and lead managed 97 municipal finance, infrastructure finance, and bond transactions. Jack contributed background papers to the Hyogo Framework and was a delegate to Sendai 2015 and Kyoto 1997, and has attended 11 COPs. He has led Aid for Trade, EIF, Climate Finance, and Trade and Export development projects throughout Asia and Africa, and is the author of five books and manuals on Municipal Finance, Climate Finance, and PA Management and Finance.
Thank you for your time and insights.